
How do I cancel or return my order?

If your order is being prepared for dispatch or is already on its way, we would like you to wait until the articles have been delivered before requesting a return for shipments.

We will issue a refund or exchange as long as the the following conditions are met: - Please send an e-mail to and provide the order confirmation number with a brief explanation of the reason of your return. If you require any assistance please call our Customer Service Center at +44-1707278113. - The request is made within 30 days of the shipping date. - The merchandise is returned in the same condition as it was when shipped, and is received in the original packing material and with all of its accessories such as: remote control, cables, antennas, connectors, brackets and owner's manuals.

Once the return is authorized by our customer service, we will supply a shipping label allowing you to return the product for free. Only in case your return has a value below 50 GBP, we will charge a shipping and handling fee of 5.99 GBP. If you require any assistance you can also call our Customer Service Center at +44-1707278113.

Will I be refunded when I return an article?

Yes, if you return an article within 30 working days of delivery, you will be refunded. Only for returns below 50 GBP you will be charged a shipping and handling fee of 5.99 GBP. This is automatically deducted from your refund. Please note: The merchandise returned will be inspected when it arrives at the warehouse and you will be charged for anything missing.

How will I be refunded if I decide to return an article?

The returned merchandise will be inspected when it arrives at the warehouse. When all is confirmed, we will transfer the amount payable back to your bank or giro account. If you paid by credit card, Harman will credit the amount. A potential shipping fee (for returns below 50 GBP) or other costs (in case anything is damaged or missing) will automatically be deducted from the refund.